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Hire, Your Way!

In just 5 days, hire any talent you need, from engineering to marketing, with the most effective method for scaling your business. End-to-end recruitment guaranteeing top quality and fit for your company.

Strattmont Stroke logo

Hire, Your Way!

In just 5 days, hire any talent you need, from engineering to marketing, with the most effective method for scaling your business. End-to-end recruitment guaranteeing top quality and fit for your company.

Trusted By

Tom Tom
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Tom Tom
multiplier 1

Performance | Innovation | Quality

Empowering Success
Discover Our Story

At Strattmont, we’re not your typical recruitment agency. We’ve had enough of the same old approach that traditional agencies follow. That’s why we’ve decided to break free from the mold and do things our way.We took what we believed a recruitment agency should be and turned it into a reality.

We believe in doing good business and ensuring fairness for everyone involved. The outdated and flawed processes of the past have no place in our playbook. We’re here to offer a fresh perspective and deliver results that truly make a difference.

Ready to experience recruitment without the frustration?

Say goodbye to long wait times, overwhelming candidate pools, and the headaches that come with traditional recruitment agencies. At Strattmont, we're here to provide you with a refreshing approach to talent acquisition

Our Track Records:

  • 🚀Shortlisting in as little as 5 days
  • 🔍Reviewing only 3 profiles on average to find the perfect fit
  • ⚡️Filling entry to director-level positions within 14 days
  • Decreasing time-to-hire by 40% compared to industry standards

With us, you'll enjoy a 100% frustration-free recruitment experience. Let's make finding exceptional talent a breeze.

Our Services


Recruitment & Staffing

Transform Your Hiring Process. Streamline recruitment, save time, and gain access to top talent. Experience our end-to-end recruitment services for optimized hiring.

EOR - Employer of Record

Expand Your Global Reach! Let us handle the complexities of global workforce management. Streamline compliance, payroll, and HR administration.

IT Outsourcing

Supercharge Your IT Operations. Leverage our expertise and cutting-edge technology solutions. Outsource your IT needs for enhanced efficiency and innovation.

RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Unlock Hiring Excellence. Enhance your recruitment strategy with our expert team. Experience streamlined processes, exceptional talent, and cost savings.


Transform Your Hiring Process. Streamline recruitment, save time, and gain access to top talent. Experience our end-to-end recruitment services for optimized hiring.

EOR – Employer of Records

Expand Your Global Reach! Let us handle the complexities of global workforce management. Streamline compliance, payroll, and HR administration.

RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Unlock Hiring Excellence. Enhance your recruitment strategy with our expert team. Experience streamlined processes, exceptional talent, and cost savings.

IT Outsourcing

Supercharge Your IT Operations. Leverage our expertise and cutting-edge technology solutions. Outsource your IT needs for enhanced efficiency and innovation.

IT Outsourcing

Build Amazing Teamson Demand

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Hire Quickly

Hire in 48 hours or less with Strattmont- quick and efficient talent acquisition.

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Top 10% talent

Get access to the top 10% of global talent, rigorously tested and approved by Strattmont.

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Talent Pools

Embrace the future of work with our tech-savvy professionals skilled in the latest tools and technologies

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Scale your team instantly and seamlessly to take on new projects and business growth

How it Works


  • Discovery Call


We start with a discovery call to understand your needs and gather important information about the open position. This helps us create a clear job description and establish requirements.

  • Preparation


We gather all the necessary details about the position, including desired skills and attributes, to ensure we have a thorough understanding of your expectations.

  • Sourcing


Using our extensive network and advanced tools, we source and build a list of 30 potential candidates who match your requirements.

  • Screening


We carefully review resumes, cover letters, and conduct pre-vetting interviews to assess candidates' qualifications.

  • Selecting


Based on qualifications and fit, we narrow down the list to 2-5 top candidates, negotiate salary expectations, and coordinate final interviews with you and your team.



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